P5.js Take Two



Boids (doesn’t work)

< html> Boids // Size of canvas. These get updated to fill the whole browser. let width = 150; let height = 150; const numBoids = 100; const visualRange = 75; var boids = []; function initBoids() { for (var i = 0; i < numBoids; i += 1) { boids[boids.length] = { x: Math.random() * width, y: Math.random() * height, dx: Math.random() * 10 - 5, dy: Math.random() * 10 - 5, history: [], }; } } function distance(boid1, boid2) { return Math.sqrt( (boid1.x - boid2.x) * (boid1.x - boid2.x) + (boid1.y - boid2.y) * (boid1.y - boid2.y), ); } // TODO: This is naive and inefficient. function nClosestBoids(boid, n) { // Make a copy const sorted = boids.slice(); // Sort the copy by distance from `boid` sorted.sort((a, b) => distance(boid, a) – distance(boid, b)); // Return the `n` closest return sorted.slice(1, n + 1); } // Called initially and whenever the window resizes to update the canvas // size and width/height variables. function sizeCanvas() { const canvas = document.getElementById(“boids”); width = window.innerWidth; height = window.innerHeight; canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; } // Constrain a boid to within the window. If it gets too close to an edge, // nudge it back in and reverse its direction. function keepWithinBounds(boid) { const margin = 200; const turnFactor = 1; if (boid.x < margin) { boid.dx += turnFactor; } if (boid.x > width – margin) { boid.dx -= turnFactor } if (boid.y < margin) { boid.dy += turnFactor; } if (boid.y > height – margin) { boid.dy -= turnFactor; } } // Find the center of mass of the other boids and adjust velocity slightly to // point towards the center of mass. function flyTowardsCenter(boid) { const centeringFactor = 0.005; // adjust velocity by this % let centerX = 0; let centerY = 0; let numNeighbors = 0; for (let otherBoid of boids) { if (distance(boid, otherBoid) < visualRange) { centerX += otherBoid.x; centerY += otherBoid.y; numNeighbors += 1; } } if (numNeighbors) { centerX = centerX / numNeighbors; centerY = centerY / numNeighbors; boid.dx += (centerX - boid.x) * centeringFactor; boid.dy += (centerY - boid.y) * centeringFactor; } } // Move away from other boids that are too close to avoid colliding function avoidOthers(boid) { const minDistance = 20; // The distance to stay away from other boids const avoidFactor = 0.05; // Adjust velocity by this % let moveX = 0; let moveY = 0; for (let otherBoid of boids) { if (otherBoid !== boid) { if (distance(boid, otherBoid) < minDistance) { moveX += boid.x - otherBoid.x; moveY += boid.y - otherBoid.y; } } } boid.dx += moveX * avoidFactor; boid.dy += moveY * avoidFactor; } // Find the average velocity (speed and direction) of the other boids and // adjust velocity slightly to match. function matchVelocity(boid) { const matchingFactor = 0.05; // Adjust by this % of average velocity let avgDX = 0; let avgDY = 0; let numNeighbors = 0; for (let otherBoid of boids) { if (distance(boid, otherBoid) < visualRange) { avgDX += otherBoid.dx; avgDY += otherBoid.dy; numNeighbors += 1; } } if (numNeighbors) { avgDX = avgDX / numNeighbors; avgDY = avgDY / numNeighbors; boid.dx += (avgDX - boid.dx) * matchingFactor; boid.dy += (avgDY - boid.dy) * matchingFactor; } } // Speed will naturally vary in flocking behavior, but real animals can't go // arbitrarily fast. function limitSpeed(boid) { const speedLimit = 15; const speed = Math.sqrt(boid.dx * boid.dx + boid.dy * boid.dy); if (speed > speedLimit) { boid.dx = (boid.dx / speed) * speedLimit; boid.dy = (boid.dy / speed) * speedLimit; } } const DRAW_TRAIL = false; function drawBoid(ctx, boid) { const angle = Math.atan2(boid.dy, boid.dx); ctx.translate(boid.x, boid.y); ctx.rotate(angle); ctx.translate(-boid.x, -boid.y); ctx.fillStyle = “#558cf4”; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(boid.x, boid.y); ctx.lineTo(boid.x – 15, boid.y + 5); ctx.lineTo(boid.x – 15, boid.y – 5); ctx.lineTo(boid.x, boid.y); ctx.fill(); ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); if (DRAW_TRAIL) { ctx.strokeStyle = “#558cf466”; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(boid.history[0][0], boid.history[0][1]); for (const point of boid.history) { ctx.lineTo(point[0], point[1]); } ctx.stroke(); } } // Main animation loop function animationLoop() { // Update each boid for (let boid of boids) { // Update the velocities according to each rule flyTowardsCenter(boid); avoidOthers(boid); matchVelocity(boid); limitSpeed(boid); keepWithinBounds(boid); // Update the position based on the current velocity boid.x += boid.dx; boid.y += boid.dy; boid.history.push([boid.x, boid.y]) boid.history = boid.history.slice(-50); } // Clear the canvas and redraw all the boids in their current positions const ctx = document.getElementById(“boids”).getContext(“2d”); ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); for (let boid of boids) { drawBoid(ctx, boid); } // Schedule the next frame window.requestAnimationFrame(animationLoop); } window.onload = () => { // Make sure the canvas always fills the whole window window.addEventListener(“resize”, sizeCanvas, false); sizeCanvas(); // Randomly distribute the boids to start initBoids(); // Schedule the main animation loop window.requestAnimationFrame(animationLoop); };
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